Clean Tech is No.1 for
Top Quality Cleaning of
Ovens & Carpets and
Most Things Inside & Out!
Call 01485 609 223
(From 7am to 10pm daily)

Jordan came to help us out for a week in July 2016 and has never left, now taking over ownership of Clean Tech in 2020. Jordan cleans carpets, rugs, sofas, chairs, hard floors, conservatories, gutters, fascias and windows.
Most often Jordan is out and about around Norfolk, but can be found in the office under the watchful eye of his daughter, the newest member of the Clean Tech crew.

Mick joined Clean Tech in October 2012 and has become the King of Oven Cleaning, cleaning more Ovens that anyone else in East Anglia.
Mick also cleans carpets, rugs, sofas, chairs, and hard floors.

Sean joined Clean Tech in early 2021. Previously owning his own gardening business he’s joined clean tech for a new challenge and has taken on the task of our busy window cleaning schedule.
When not cleaning windows Sean can be found cleaning gutters, conservatories and patios.

Tash works in the office and handles enquiries and bookings. She is detail-oriented and well organized as she manages an array of office tasks and office documents. With good interpersonal skills to communicate with others in the team, her computer skills are a real asset to the business.

Chase is our Chief Security Officer. Well named he can often be heard barking his orders but most likely wanting a belly rub. He believes in befriending anyone who enters his office.